Sunday, 23 July 2017

Self Challenge

With the beginning of my new life I always think of challenging myself to build a new successful life that compensates me all the years that have passed

But the questions remain:
• What is the meaning that I challenge myself?
• What would I benefit if I challenged myself?
• What are the ways to challenge myself in the right way?

So I read and searched a lot here and there.And I loved to share with you what I came up with on my self-challenging journey.

1) Self Challenge Meaning
Challenging yourself daily is a surefire path to success in all areas of your life. If something that you’re doing doesn’t challenge you, then it doesn’t change you. You can never see any improvement in your life if you stick to your comfort zone. We all need a little push once in a while.

2) Self Challenge Benefits
It's a personal development. By challenging yourself, you learn to trust yourself more, which greatly increases your likelihood of having happiness and success in life. Challenging yourself is new experiences keep you engaged in the world.
Challenges fulfill your full potential. As Confucius said, “The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential… these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence.”
Challenging yourself is good training for dealing with life’s unexpected challenges, Such as divorce, unemployment or the death of a loved one.

3) Self Challenge Ways
Challenge yourself both personally and professionally. Some ways of challenging yourself are better than others. The best ones:
·         take you out of your comfort zone without danger
·         provide you an intense, accelerated learning experience
·         Help you develop skills and attitudes that are highly valuable to you in life.
Some ways to challenge yourself :

1. Learn a new language.
·         Learning a new language isn’t just another way to pad your resume; if you really get into it, you can even use this skill to tutor on the side and earn extra cash.
2. Figure out what you’re scared of
·         If you don’t try, you won’t know what you’re capable of. If you don´t challenge yourself and try new things, how will you know your potential? Choose one thing you´d like to try but are afraid to do wrong, and go for it! do it for one week consistently. After a while, you can look at fear in the eyes and say, “Go on, I’m not scared!”
3. Take a class for a hobby you’ve wanted to pursue.
·         Make sure this hobby is not linked to your career; you have to relax and de-stress while performing this.
4. Aiming High in Your Career
·         Big, bold career goals can really challenge you and help you grow as a person. These goals can relate to the amount of money you make, the number of people you impact through your work, the role you play in a company, or the magnitude of the projects you manage. By setting and pursing such goals, you will be forced to develop as a person. You’ll need to study, to develop your expertise in your field, to innovate and to take calculated risks. All of this implies unbelievable self-growth. It takes time, patience and strategy to get there, it really challenges you, but it’s a worthwhile task.
5. Make a realistic budget and find out how you can cut back on something so you can invest more.
·         Money management is not about what you make – it’s what you do with what you make.
6. Physical Exercise
·         Dedicate at least nine minutes a day for physical exercise. Dance in your living-room can do wonders for yourself. It can aid in making you feel better about yourself. Physical exercise is not only a way to be healthy and stay in shape. It is a good way to push you out of your comfort zone. This is because when you exercise, you put in some degree of effort. Through regular exercise, you train your body and your mind. You develop willpower, vigilance and confidence.
7. Travelling
·         Something cost-effective like going to your local museum or visiting the resort in the next city can all count as travelling. Travelling takes you out of the environment you’re familiar with, and throws you into the unfamiliar. Thus you get exposed to new places, new cultures, new customs, and of course, new people. So, you adapt and you grow.
8. Meeting New People
·         When you deal with new people on a regular basis and you interact with individuals with a whole range of personalities, it really stimulates your social skills to grow. You learn how to talk with all sorts of people and keep conversations flowing, you get better at reading social cues, and you become more skilled at navigating complex social situations.

At the end,
I believe that, there is no manual for living life better than living life itself! Each challenge you will overcome is a lesson for you in life.

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